Product Compliance 1.0.0
Service Details
General Best Practice Recommendations
Should be used in conjunction with Product Data endpoint to receive more product information concerning compliance and Prop65.
Function: getProductsWithRegulations ()
Gets the list of products and optional parts which currently or in the future will have applicable regulations
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
wsVersion | The Standard Version of the Web Service being referenced. Values are enumerated {1.0.0} | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
id | The customerId or any other agreed upon Id. | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
password | The password associated with the customerId. | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | FALSE |
changeTimeStamp | Beginning date time since last change in UTC; this element being left off the request indicates an intention to get all whereas including this element in the request indicates an intention to only get those that have changed since the supplied date and time. | ISO 8601 DATE | DATETIME | FALSE |
Request: GetProductsWithRegulationsRequest
Reply: GetProductsWithRegulationsResponse
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
productWithRegulationsArray | The list of products and optional their parts which currently or in the future will have applicable regulations | OBJECT ARRAY | OBJECT ARRAY | TRUE |
ServiceMessageArray | Error message object Array | OBJECT ARRAY | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE |
ProductWithRegulations Object
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
productId | The identifier of the product that has or will have applicable regulations | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
partId | The identifier of the part that has or will have applicable regulations; this element being left off the response indicates all parts have or will have applicable regulations whereas including this element in the response indicates this part has or will have applicable regulations | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | FALSE |
complianceGroups | The list of promo standards compliance groups which currently or in the future apply to this product and, if included in the response, part | ENUMERATED STRING ARRAY | VARCHAR(64) ARRAY | TRUE |
Function: getCompliance ()
Gets the compliance data of the specific product and part, if supplied, for the CaliforniaProp65 compliance group.
Request: GetComplianceRequest
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
wsVersion | The Standard Version of the Web Service being referenced. Values are enumerated {1.0.0} | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
id | The customer Id or any other agreed upon Id. | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
password | The password associated with the Id. | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | FALSE |
productId | The identifier of the product to get compliance data for | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
partId | The identifier of the part to get compliance data for; this element being left off indicates an intention to get compliance data on any applicable parts for the specific product whereas including this element indicates an intention to only get compliance data for the specific part | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | FALSE |
Reply: GetComplianceResponse
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
ComplianceData | An object containing the compliance data for a product; this element being left off indicates no compliance data is available for the requested product or, if requested, part. | OBJECT | OBJECT | FALSE |
ServiceMessage | Service message object | OBJECT | OBJECT | FALSE |
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
productId | The identifier of the product associated with the compliance data | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
partId | The identifier of the part associated with the compliance data; this element being left off indicates the compliance data applies to all parts whereas including this element in the response indicates the compliance data is for the part | STRING | VARCHAR(64) | FALSE |
CAProp65 | An object containing the CaliforniaProp65 compliance data for a product; this element being left off indicates no compliance data is available for the requested product or, if requested, part. | OBJECT | OBJECT | FALSE |
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
ApplicableWarnings | The warning(s) which apply to the product, or if specified in the response, part | OBJECT ARRAY | OBJECT ARRAY | TRUE |
policyForApplyingLabel | The trigger for applying the warning label to the product or product packaging | ENUMERATED STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
applicableWarning | A warning that applies to the product, or if specified in the response, part | ENUMERATED STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
applicableChemicals | The chemicals used on or in the product, or if specified in the response, part, that cause the warning to apply to the product or part | STRING ARRAY | STRING ARRAY | FALSE |
warningLabelApplied | The type of warning label applied to the product or product packaging | ENUMERATED STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
Appendix A: Error Messages
Field | Description | WSDL Data Type | SQL Data Type | Required? |
code | The numerical value of the code | INT | INT | TRUE |
description | Response for any message requiring notification to requestor | STRING | VARCHAR(256) | TRUE |
severity | The severity of the message. Values are enumerated: {Error, Information, Warning} | ENUMERATED STRING | VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
Standardized Codes: The range of 100-199 has been reserved for standardized error codes. The number 999 has been reserved for an error codes that is a “General Error - Contact System Service Provider”
Code | Description |
100 | ID (customerID) not found |
104 | This account is unauthorized to use this service. Please contact the service provider |
105 | Authentication Credentials failed |
110 | Authentication Credentials required |
115 | wsVersion not found |
120 | The following field(s) are required [Comma Delimited field names] |
125 | Not Supported: [details] |
999 | General Error – Contact the System Service Provider Details: [Details] |
Service Specific Code: These error codes are only for this service.
Code | Description |
600 | Product Id not found |
610 | Data violation: {0}
(Occurs when a supplier does a pre-check on the data and finds that there is a mismatch of data and/or there are incorrect calculations) |
620 | Field is not supported: {0} |
630 | Part Id not found |