Field | Description | Data Type | Required? |
Product | Product Information | OBJECT | FALSE |
ServiceMessageArray | An array of ServiceMessage objects. | ARRAY | FALSE |
Product Object
Best Practices Recommendation: Please provide as much information as possible.
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
productId | The associated product. | 64 STRING | TRUE |
productName | The Supplier name for the product | 256 STRING | TRUE |
LocationDecorationArray | An array of Location Decoration objects | OBJECT ARRAY | TRUE | It is recommended to align the information provided in this array against PPC. |
description | Basic product description or bulleted list of descriptions. | 2048 STRING ARRAY | TRUE |
priceExpiresDate | The date that the pricing in the ProductPriceGroupArray portion of the response expires. | ISO 8601 DATE | FALSE | Recommended to provide this information to allow Distributors to reflect accurate pricing. |
ProductMarketingPointArray | Marketing points type and content. An array of MarketingPoint objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | |
ProductKeywordArray | Array of keywords often used in searching for this product. An array of ProductKeyword objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | |
productBrand | The specific product brand | 64 STRING | FALSE | |
export | Product status for export | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE |
ProductCategoryArray | The product’s categorization array. An array of ProductCategory objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | Yes, include subcategories. |
RelatedProductArray | Products related to the quested product as Substitutable, CompanionSell, or Common Grouping (Family). An array of RelatedProduct objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE |
ProductPartArray | All part specific product data. An array of ProductPart objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | TRUE |
lastChangeDate | The date time stamp of the most recent change to this data in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | TRUE | Yes, helps distributors only grab changed products greatly reducing time to update. |
creationDate | The date time stamp when this products data initially became available in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | TRUE | This is the date when the product is available in this service and might not be available for sale. |
endDate | The Date this Product expires from Supplier availability in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | FALSE | If Suppliers are using IsSellable = False and sharing the list of inactive skus, please make sure that the enddate is tied to the getSellable web method. This should be the max end date if every part includes an end date. |
effectiveDate | The Date this Product initially becomes available from the Supplier in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | FALSE | This is the date when the product is available in catalog and is available for sale. If all parts have an effective date this value should be the earliest effective date. |
isCaution | Cautionary status to review for specific warnings about using product data. | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE | If Suppliers pass isCaution = True, then ensure cautionComment is passed in the response |
cautionComment | Product cautionary comments | 1024 STRING | FALSE |
isCloseout | Indicates if the product is a closeout | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE | If all parts are at Closeout status then the product should be closeout. |
lineName | Line Name / Division to which this product belongs | 64 STRING | FALSE | |
primaryImageURL | The URL of the product’s primary image. Any valid URL can be returned including prefixes like http and ftp. | 1024 STRING | FALSE | Suppliers should be consistent and share the same image type for all products. URL should reference a secure protocol. |
ProductPriceGroupArray | Marketing-oriented pricing information. Represented as an array of Product Price objects. Prices are List prices. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE |
complianceInfoAvailable | Indicates if there is information about this product via the Product Safety & Compliance service. | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | FALSE | Recommendation is to use Product Compliance service for more information. |
unspscCommodityCode | The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®) that best describes this product. Note that the enumerated values are the UNSPSC "Commodity" codes. For more information, refer to https://www.unspsc.org . | INT | FALSE |
imprintSize | The imprint Size | 256 STRING | FALSE | Recommendation is to use the imprint size for your main location for your preferred decoration method |
defaultSetUpCharge | The default setup charge for this product. Can be a textual description. | STRING 1024 | FALSE | Recommendation is to use the Setup charge for your main location for your preferred decoration method |
defaultRunCharge | The default RUN charge for this product. Can be a textual description. | STRING 1024 | FALSE | Recommendation is to use the Run charge for your main location for your preferred decoration method |
FobPointArray | An array of FOB points object | ARRAY | TRUE |
Location Decoration
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
locationName | Location name | 255 STRING | TRUE |
maxImprintColors | The maximum number of imprint colors available, based on a decoration location and type. | INTEGER | FALSE | |
decorationName | Decoration name | 64 STRING | TRUE |
locationDecorationComboDefault | Is this the default location | BOOLEAN | TRUE |
priceIncludes | Does this include price | BOOLEAN | TRUE |
FobPoint Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
fobId | The Id of the FOB Point | STRING VARCHAR(64) | TRUE | Recommendation is to use Integer value if possible. |
fobPostalCode | The Postal or Zip Code of the fob Point | STRING VARCHAR(64) | TRUE | |
fobCity | The city of the FOB Point | STRING VARCHAR(64) | TRUE | |
fobState | The state of the FOB Point in ISO 3166-2 format. | STRING VARCHAR(64) | TRUE | |
fobCountry | The country of the FOB Point in Alpha 2 ISO3166 “CODE” format. | STRING VARCHAR(64) | TRUE |
ProductCategory Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
category | Product category | 256 STRING | TRUE | |
subCategory | Product subcategory | 256 STRING | FALSE |
ProductMarketingPoint Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
pointType | Basic category or type of marketing point being made. e.g. Highlights, Size, Safety | 64 STRING | FALSE | |
pointCopy | Marketing bullet or point copy | 1024 STRING | TRUE |
ProductKeyword Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
keyword | A product keyword commonly utilized for search or other functions | 16384 STRING | TRUE |
RelatedProduct Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
relationType | The relationship type between two products | 64 STRING | TRUE | |
productId | Product Id | 64 STRING | TRUE | |
partId | Part specific Id | 64 STRING | FALSE |
Product Part Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
partId | The part Id | 64 STRING | TRUE |
description | Description | 2048 STRING ARRAY | FALSE | Should be brief and describe parts and not contain high level product descriptions. |
countryOfOrigin | Country of Origin | 2 STRING | FALSE | Recommended to share this metadata if available. |
ColorArray | Information about the part colors | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | Should not be used in place of unique parts. |
primaryMaterial | Primary material of construction | 64 STRING | FALSE | Recommendation is to use only one material. |
SpecificationArray | Specifications | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE |
shape | General shape | 64 STRING | FALSE |
ApparelSize | Used to describe an apparel size | OBJECT | FALSE |
Dimension | Physical dimensions and weight | OBJECT | FALSE | Only include this object if you have one or more of the size information and weight. |
leadTime | Lead time in days | INT | FALSE | |
unspsc | United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) | 8 STRING | FALSE |
gtin | Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) | 14 STRING | FALSE | Helps with marketing on ecommerce platforms. |
isRushService | Rush service | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE | Helps distributors filter products that can be rushed. |
ShippingPackageArray | Shipping package option details for the partPackaging Default package type; e.g. Carton, Box, Pallet. An array of ShippingPackage objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | Please include standard shipping package options at the minimum. |
ProductPackagingArray | Packaging option details; e.g. Gift Box, Cello Pack, Sleeve. An array of ProductPackaging objects. | OBJECT ARRAY | FALSE | Please include all quantity and box size variations. |
endDate | The date this part expires from supplier availability in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | FALSE | If Suppliers are using IsSellable = False and sharing the list of inactive skus, please make sure that the enddate is tied to the getSellable web method. |
effectiveDate | The Date this Part initially becomes available from the Supplier in ISO 8601 format | ISO 8601 DATE | FALSE | This is the date when the product is available in catalog and is available for sale. |
isCloseout | Indicates if a closeout | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE |
isCaution | Cautionary status to review for specific warnings about using product data | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE | If Suppliers pass isCaution = True, then ensure cautionComment is passed in the response |
cautionComment | Cautionary comments | 1024 STRING | FALSE |
nmfcCode | National Motor Freight Classification Code | DECIMAL | FALSE |
nmfcDescription | National Motor Freight Classification Description | 1024 STRING | FALSE |
nmfcNumber | National Motor Freight Classification Number | 64 STRING | FALSE |
isOnDemand | Manufactured on demand / Made to order | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE |
isHazmat | Contains hazardous material. A nil value indicates this it is unknown or the data is not available by the supplier. | NILLABLE BOOLEAN | TRUE |
primaryColor | The "go to market" color. Represented as a Color Object. | OBJECT | FALSE |
Color Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
colorName | Supplier specific color name. Go to market color | 64 STRING | TRUE |
hex | The HEX code representation. This is not a supplement for product color but data used for generating web user interfaces. | 64 STRING | FALSE | Helps when displaying swatch colors. |
approximatePms | The PMS code representation. This is not a supplement for product color. | 64 STRING | FALSE | Share this information if available. Allows distributors to more accurately depict the color swatch. |
standardColorName | The standard color that best describes this color. Eventually may become an enumeration. | 64 STRING | FALSE | Please use broad color family names e.g. red, green, blue. This allows end users to narrow down products when searching for specific colors. |
Product Price Group Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
groupName | Price group description | 64 STRING | TRUE | This should match PPC spec if you are providing this info |
currency | The currency supported in ISO4217 format. | 64 STRING | TRUE |
description | The description of the product price | 2028 STRING | FALSE | |
ProductPriceArray | An array of Product Price objects | ARRAY | TRUE |
Product Price Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
quantityMax | The maximum quantity for which this price applies. | INT | TRUE |
quantityMin | The minimum quantity for which this price applies. | INT | TRUE |
price | The price value. | DECIMAL | TRUE | This is the List price for the skus. |
discountCode | The discount code. | 5 STRING | FALSE |
Specification Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best practice |
specificationType | The type of specification | 64 STRING FACIT | TRUE | Choose from the list of recommended values |
specificationUom | Specification unit of measure | 64 STRING | TRUE | |
measurementValue | Specification Measurement Value | 64 STRING | TRUE |
ApparelSize Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
apparelStyle | Apparel style | 64 STRING FACIT | TRUE | Choose from the list of recommended values |
labelSize | The apparel items tagged size. e.g. XS, S, M, L, etc. | 6 STRING FACIT | TRUE | Values that are not in the list of enumerated values, please use Custom. |
customSize | Used to communicate custom size when labelSize is CUSTOM. | 64 STRING | FALSE |
Dimension Object
This object shares the dimensions and weight of the item.
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
dimensionUom | The dimensional unit of measure | 2 STRING FACIT | TRUE | If you are not including any of the size information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. IN |
depth | The depth/length of the part using the unit of measure specified in dimensionUom | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
height | The height of the part using the unit of measure specified in dimensionUom | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
width | The width of the part using the unit of measure specified in dimensionUom | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
weightUom | The weight unit of measure for the part | 2 STRING FACIT | TRUE | If you are not including any of the weight information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. LB |
weight | The weight of the part using the unit of measure specified in dimensionUom | DECIMAL | FALSE |
Product Packaging Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
default | Boolean flag identifying the single default packaging for this package | BOOLEAN | TRUE |
packageType | The packaging specific type for this partId e.g. Gift Box, Cello Pack, Sleeve | 256 STRING | TRUE |
description | The Packaging specific description | 2048 STRING | FALSE | |
quantity | The partId unit Quantity included within this specific Packaging Option | DECIMAL | TRUE |
dimensionUom | The unit of measure for the package | 2 STRING FACIT | TRUE | If you are not including any of the size information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. IN |
depth | The depth/length of the package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
height | The height of the package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
width | The width of the package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
weightUom | The weight unit of measure for the packageType | 2 STRING FACIT | TRUE | If you are not including any of the weight information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. LB |
weight | The weight of the specific packageType | DECIMAL | FALSE |
Shipping Package Object
Field | Description | Data Type | Required? | Best Practice |
packageType | The shipping package specific type for this shipping package e.g. Box, Carton, etc. | 256 STRING | TRUE | Highly recommend sharing the most used packagetype at minimum. |
description | The shipping package specific description | 2048 STRING | FALSE | |
quantity | The partId unit quantity included within this specific shipping packaging option | DECIMAL | TRUE |
dimensionUom | The weight unit of measure for the packageType | 2 STRING FACIT | TRUE | If you are not including any of the size information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. IN |
depth | The depth/length of the shipping package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
height | The height of the shipping package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
width | The width of the shipping package in the dimensionUom unit of measure | DECIMAL | FALSE | |
weightUom | The weight unit of measure for the packageType | 2 FACIT STRING | TRUE | If you are not including any of the weight information, please set this to default value to meet the schema requirements. E.g. LB |
weight | The weight of the specific packageType | DECIMAL | FALSE | This should be the weight of the filled package. |